Simple Chain Pulling AKA String art with Ink

Simple Chain Pulling AKA String art with Ink

I have recently fell in love with the process of String Art.  I've since found out that the technical name for this art form is, Chain Pulling. 

chain pulling with Lolly Doodle 

No matter what you choose to call it... it is addictive and pretty easy to do!  In my honest opinion, it's also a great mother and child activity also!  Just be prepared because it can be quite  messy!  

My daughter and I (Lolly) created quite a few pretty works of art, reminiscent of a calla lily flower the other day on a Facebook Live.  You can see it on my Facebook page here.  for now.  I will be editing it a bit and will post it here shortly! 

chain pulling with Lolly Doodle 2

( This post contains affiliate links for your shopping convenience.  Your inner artist will thank you and so will I)


Chain pulling or string art as I like to refer to is basically the process of using string, usually dipped into ink, paint or other fluid art materials and dragging it across paper, canvas, and even clothing.  

Many of you have asked me exactly what types of materials are needed to get started with this art form so I am going to list them below along with links so that you can purchase them from the comfort of your home if you are unable to find them in your local area. 


Most of the chain pulling I have done is in my art journals.  An art journal does not have to be anything fancy as it's main purpose if for you!  A great simple journal to start with can be found in almost any craft store near you or you can find one like this here to get started

or get a little fancy with one like this! 


Recommended Items You will Need to Start:

1.) String

2.) Ink or  Watercolor Fluid Mediums ( my personal fav. is Dr. Ph Martin's but have used others. 




drop cloth or table protection 

Textile Paint (if you intend to pull on clothing- you can also use the india inks)

Heavy Book or plank of wood


First things first, protect your area, clothing and hands as this can get a bit messy! 

Start by practicing in your art journal or with some paper and a heavy book.  Cut a length of string.  Not so long that you cannot control it at all but long enough that you can swirl it around on the page.  

 string art lolly doodle


Next, either feed the string into the container of ink or use a paint pallet to wind up the string and dip it into the ink, completely saturating it.  Use just one color as you begin and practice. 


Hold the string over the paper or canvas you are using.  Allow it to hit and lay on the paper in a random pattern like shown below. 


Close your journal, apply pressure and pull the string out straight from the bottom. 


Open your journal to see the beautiful flower like creations you have made! 

When you feel comfortable with the process, try dipping the string into more than one color.  Dip different parts of the string into the different colors and see what beautiful color combinations you can create! 


We've enjoyed creating our ink flowers so very much. we want to make more everyday!  If you have tried or will try this activity, POST a photo on my Facebook page and we will feature your art! 



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